Lafaek News—Governu Timor Leste, liu husi Sekretaria Estadu Formasaun Profissionál no Empregu ( SEFOPE), asina deklarasun Traballador Timor Oan 43…
Governu Despede Tan Traballador 104 Ba Servisu Iha KorSul
Lafaek News—IX Governu KonstitusionaSekretariu Estadu Formasaun Profesional no Empregu (SEFOPE), Kuarta 06/11/2024, iha ne’ebé realiza serimonia despedida ho traballador 104,…
Religious Freedom Violation and Intolerance Spark International Controversy>
Lafaek News–South Korean local government cancels international event with 30,000 participants from 78 countries, causing international damage On October 29th,…
A Scene of Religious Harmony with Thai Monks as Religious Leaders
Lafaek News–Shincheonji Zion Christian Mission Center’s Graduation of Class 115 in Thailand On October 6th, the ‘Shincheonji Zion Christian Mission…
Peace Projects in 170 Countries : HWPL Celebrates a Decade of Global Commitment to Peace
From September 18, 2024, the 10th Anniversary of the HWPL World Peace Summit is being celebrated in South Korea and…
Peace Projects in 170 Countries : HWPL Celebrates a Decade of Global Commitment to Peace
From September 18, 2024, the 10th Anniversary of the HWPL World Peace Summit is being celebrated in South Korea and…
ONU Rekoñese Xanana Lider Transformador No Influensia Internasional
Lafaek News—Sekretáriu Jerál ONU ne’e rekoñese Xanana Gusmão nu’udár líder transformadór ne’ebé transforma Timor-Leste sai hanesan país independente, país demokrátiku,…
SEKJEN ONU Kompromete hamutuk Ho Povu Luta ba Dezenvolvimentu
Lafaek News—Sekretáriu Gerál Organizasaun Nasaun Unidas (ONU), António Guterres deklara katak, ONU hamutuk ho povu Timor-Leste (TL) hodi luta ba…
Fundus Klimátika Hatudu TL Hola-Parte Iha Nasaun Dezenvolvimentu Atrazadu
Lafaek News—Oxfam iha Timor Leste, Segunda (29/07/2024), realiza briefing hamutuk ho jornalista sira kona-ba fundus klimátika ba nasaun hirak ne’ebé…
Timor-Leste launches peace journalism training: Training journalists for sustainable peacebuilding
Lafaek News–On June 21, 2024, at the Timor-Leste Press Council office, 49 local journalists participated in the HWPL Peace Journalism…