Lafaek News – 21 September 2020 – The International Labour Organisation (ILO) in collaboration with Directorate for Roads, Bridges and Flood Control (DRBFC) signed contracts with 10 local contractors as part of implementation of $ 550,000 ILO Regular Budget Supplementary Account (RBSA) COVID-19 Response funding.
The project aims to support the government of Timor-Leste by addressing the socio-economic challenges brought by Covid-19 through providing targeted employment-intensive emergency public works to the marginalized and vulnerable community in rural areas.
“ILO as an advocate for social justice will continue to partner with the government and other development partners to promote a human-centered approach within the world of work such as has been done for the Covid-19 response.” said, Albert Uriyo, ILO OiC Head of Mission for Timor-Leste.
The project will be implemented within 10 road maintenance works carried out using approaches and capacity under existing DFAT Funded R4D-SP and EU funded ERA-Agro Forestry projects. The project will maintain 275 kms of roads, and will benefit a total of 1,850 vulnerable beneficiaries, of which 50% will be women. The first phase of the project involves 10 contracts in 10 municipalities, of which 30% are women owned contractors and will target 1,100 beneficiaries.
First 10 municipalities which have been selected for this road maintenance project are; Aileu, Bobonaro, Baucau, Ermera, Dili, Lautem, Liquisa, Manatuto, Manufahi, and Viqueque.